LRD-PSI Exam Date 2024-25 : All the candidates who are preparing for LRD-PSI recruitment are sitting waiting for the exam dates, there is a news about this recruitment in which the information about the possible dates of the exam is mentioned, so let's see this time table.
LRD-PSI Exam Date 2024-25
Let the candidates who are preparing for LRD and PSI be informed that the time table shown below is the probable time table, the recruitment board can change this time table. But by looking at this time table, you will get an idea about which exam will be held on which date.
Gujarat Police Recruitment Board-2024-25 Recruitment Process Estimated Time Table
Process Date
Advertisement 13/03/2024
Period for accepting online applications 04/04/2024 to 30/04/2024
Last date of payment of fee 07/05/2024
Acceptance of Online Applications for Class-XII Pass and Graduate Pending Candidates August/September-2024
Physical Test Nov/Dec-2024
Physical Test Result Jan-2025
Unarmed PSI Written Exam
Process Date
Written Examination Jan/Feb-2025
February-2025 for declaration of objections and marks
Rechecking of Paper-1 of Written Examination February-2025
Written Exam Paper-1 Result March-2025
Written Examination Paper-II (Subjective) Scrutiny Operation March to July-2025
August-2025 to declare the marks of Paper-II (Subjective) of the written examination
August-2025 for rechecking of written examination
Written Exam Result August-2025
Document verification September-2025
September-2025 to declare provisional result
September-2025 for inviting objections
September-2025 to declare final result
Friend, in this way continue your preparations keeping in mind the above time table. Yes, this time table is probable but official only so there is no possibility of much change. And you all know that run test is only qualify test so from this time table you can estimate when run test will be so keep preparing accordingly.
If any friend of yours is preparing for this indian then please pass this information to him and likewise stay connected with us for every recruitment and govt news, thanks.