Forest Guard Result 2024: As the district wise merit list of 25 times qualified candidates for Gujarat Forest Guard Physical Test has been announced by the GSSSB Board, there is an atmosphere of happiness among the students. GSSSB Forest Guard Exam 2024 conducted by Gujarat Gaun Seva Samhita Mandal Board from February 8 to February 27 in computer based test mode, the merit list i.e. the list of eligible candidates for Forest Guard Physical Test has been declared officially today as result. Released on 8 August 2024.
District wise of 25 candidates qualified for physical ability test at the end of competitive examination of Forest Guard, Class-III cadre under the control of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Head of Forest Force, Gandhinagar under the control of Forest and Environment Department No.: FOREST/202223/1 Category wise provisional merit list and district wise cutoff marks have been declared which we will get detailed information about.
New Forest Guard Result 2024: District wise merit list of 25 times eligible candidates for physical test in forest guard recruitment announced
List of candidates for Physical Ability Test for 8 (eight) times of the total number of vacancies to fill up total of 823 posts of direct recruitment of Senior Principal Forest Conservator and Head of Forest Force, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar by Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board on the Board's website dated 31/07 Published on 2024.
New Forest Guard Result 2024: According to the notification of the Government Forest and Environment Department letter dated 06/08/2024 “Forest Guard (*06da upaksha)” to fill up a total of 823 posts of direct recruitment of class-3 category for physical ability test (twenty five) ) Gana has been instructed to publish the list of candidates. In view of which, the list of district wise/category wise qualified candidates along with roll number with applied category and treated category and the list of district wise cutoff marks qualified candidates for physical ability test is published herewith. This list includes the candidates from the earlier eightfold list. The concerned should take note.
to download the list of candidates:Click here
for more information regarding Forest Guard Recruitment:Click here
How to Check GSSSB Forest Guard Result 2024? (How to check the GSSSB Forest Guard Result 2024)
Follow the below steps to download GSSSB Forest Guard Result 2024 Merit List of Eligible Candidates for GSSSB Gujarat Forest Guard Physical Test.
- Go to the official website of GSSSB Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board and open your browser and
- Go to the official website of GSSSB:
- Go to Results Section – Find ‘Results’ or ‘Examination’ on the homepage and click on it.
- Step 3: Find the Forest Guard Result link 'Forest Guard Result 2024' or click on this link.
- Enter the required information and open the PDF file of the result, your roll number, confirmation number
- Or search for name and enter other required details.
- Submit and Check Result- Click on the 'Submit' button and your result will be displayed on the screen.
- Take a print out of your result or download it as a PDF.